Green Motivate provides organizations with user-friendly resources and assistance with outreach program development, giving you the tools you need to plan an effective environmental behavior change program. 

One of the goals of Green Motivate is to bridge the gap between academic research and practitioners working to encourage environmental actions, making such research applicable and relevant to practitioners in the field. If you or your organization has a goal of encouraging people to act sustainably, such as increasing food scrap recycling, reducing litter, or adopting source reduction behaviors, you've come to the right place! 

About the founder, Meghan Kelly: 

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Meghan's academic research in environmental behavior change and experience with environmental project management, science education, and sustainability consulting inspired her to start Green Motivate. 

Meghan's graduate work at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment focused on how to encourage environmentally responsible behavior change. Her primary research project involved working in collaboration with an environmental grantmaking organization, The Chesapeake Bay Trust, to research the practices, challenges, and needs of over 100 watershed outreach professionals implementing behavior change outreach programs. 

From this research, Meghan and her colleagues found that so many organizations do not have access to the academic research on environmental behavior change, let alone the knowledge of how apply that research to their own programs. This finding led to Meghan's position as co-founder and consultant for The Environmental Motivation Project, in which Meghan and fellow co-founder Kaitlin Phelps worked with environmental organizations to help them learn about, develop, and evaluate behavior change programs.

Previously, Meghan was an environmental projects specialist for the City of Oakland, California, where she served as project manager for Oakland Earth Day and lead the Adopt a Spot program for parks. She also has over 15 years of experience working in the fields of environmental and science education for all ages. This work reinforces Meghan's passion for working with people motivated to make a difference in the environment, leading to the start of Green Motivate.

Learn more about Meghan on LinkedIn.


