Green Motivate provides a host of services to help you reach your outreach goals:
Behavior change and social marketing strategy
Outreach program design and evaluation
Research design & strategy (literature reviews, interviews, focus groups, surveys)
Professional development workshops and presentations
Messaging development and copywriting
Project management
Other services as needed - just ask!
Interested in learning more about environmental behavior change, social marketing, and more? The following presentations can help you do just that. Send a note today to learn more.
Developing Effective Behavior Change Programs: An Intro to Social Marketing & Formative Research Methods
Behavior Change for Environmental Stewardship: Misperceptions and Research-Supported Strategies
Best Practices and Strategies for Encouraging Environmentally Responsible Behaviors
Starting a Mission-Driven Consulting Business
Strategies for Motivating Watershed Stewardship: A Guide to Research-Based Practices
Have you ever attempted to encourage a homeowner to cut back on lawn fertilizer use? Or a neighbor to pick up after his or her dog? How about motivating your coworkers to properly dispose of hazardous materials? Despite many people being concerned about the environment, their actions do not always reflect their concern. How can environmental outreach organizations overcome this disconnect between concern and action to encourage environmentally responsible behaviors in local communities?
This guide will walk you through benefits, challenges, and tips for using two program frameworks, the Participatory Approach and Social Marketing, as well as nine Behavior Change Strategies, including Feedback and Prompts. It will also give you a real-life example of how each has been used effectively in the field.
Rapid Assessment for Outreach Programs Fostering Environmentally Responsible Behaviors
While many environmental organizations aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of their outreach programs, assessing program design and implementation can be an overwhelming task. Where does one start? What measurements are most meaningful? How does one apply evaluation findings to improve a program?
This document is designed to assist organizations with assessing whether elements of their environmental behavior change programs are being implemented most effectively. Program elements, including frameworks, outreach best practices, and behavior change strategies, are summarized into one-page assessments, asking the assessor about the use of a particular program element. These questions prompt the assessor to examine how a program is currently utilizing the element, and ways this use could be improved. This resource is meant to complement one’s understanding and application of the research in the field and serve as a shorthand guide.
Note: These resources were created as part of Green Motivate principal Meghan Kelly's research project at the University of Michigan, working in collaboration with the Chesapeake Bay Trust. While the content is customized for Chesapeake Bay Watershed environmental outreach organizations, the information remains applicable to other geographic areas and environmental contexts.