"Green Motivate aims to fill a vital niche in the campaign for a sustainable relationship between natural resources and human activity. Meghan pays attention to the challenges that seem to prevent healthy changes, and then strategizes ways to overcome or go around those barriers. Green Motivate is as important to steering the good ship earth toward a safe harbor as any piece of federal legislation. With the services of Green Motivate, your chances of making a lasting difference in the world go way up.”
- Len Carlman, Executive Director, Snake River Fund
City and County of San Francisco, Department of the Environment - Behavior Change Research and Recommendations for Rechargeable Battery Use
Delaware Riverkeeper Network - Clean Water Act Language Survey; Community Engagement and Behavior Change Project
With Gigantic Idea Studio:
San Mateo County Office of Sustainability, California - Compost Quality Improvement Campaign Project
County of Santa Clara, California - Countywide Recycling and Source Reduction Public Outreach Campaign
City of Fremont, California - Commercial Business Cigarette Butt Litter Prevention Outreach Tool
City of Palo Alto, California - Community-Based Social Marketing Food Scrap Recycling Project
City of Salinas, California - Community-Based Social Marketing Litter Reduction Project
Carpet America Recovery Effort's California Carpet Stewardship Program - Marketing, Education, and Outreach Services; Writer of 2016 Annual Report
Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program - Bus Stop Litter Reduction Project
With Action Research and Gigantic Idea Studio:
City of Sunnyvale, California - Behavior Change Strategies Project
With Camille Herrera Consulting:
City of Santa Clara, California - Recommendations and Feedback on Survey Design and Implementation
Adopting Zero Waste: Is Individual Responsibility Enough for Change? (August 22, 2018) - Article by Natasha Vashist about Meghan Kelly’s talk for the City of Santa Clara’s Sustainable Speaker Series
Women's Environmental Network Spotlight: Meghan Kelly (July 2016)
Kelly, M., Little, S., Phelps, K., Roble, C., and Zint, M. (2012). Watershed outreach professionals’ behavior change practices, challenges, and needs. Journal of Applied Environmental Education and Communication.